Did you ever wonder what diplomats actually do behind the doors of stately buildings with their colorful flags, or as they race through traffic accompanied by motor cycle escorts to some urgent engagement?

The Hague is recognized internationally as the city of Peace and Justice, and is the Diplomatic capital of the Netherlands. Based in The Hague, Diplomat TV has been created to provide a unique and privileged look into the world of International Diplomacy in the Netherlands.

Diplomat TV is a Docu- Magazine Programme aimed for the International community and diplomatic corps and International organisation base in The Hague and The Netherlands.

Diplomat TV – features interviews, portraits, and in brief on the continents economic and development and behind the scene of Diplomats and International Organisation and Institute here in The Hague. Our Initiative is a docu-magazine style programme with special guests, and is designed to highlight exemplary initiatives by individuals, organisations or governments in the fields of economics, social issues, education, culture and sustainable development.

DiplomatTV  – Connecting Communities.